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Australia, Tasmania & Fiji

Adventure, Beach, Cultural, Inspirational Travel
Won't break the bank, Splash out
Age range
45-54, 55-64

Big trip spanning up to 5 weeks - from Perth to Cairns and lots in between.

I was planning on going to Galapagos and Ecuador next year but with COVID 19 uncertainty I have decided to go to Australia instead, with some days in Tasmania.

Part of the trip will be spent with friends, not sure currently how many, or where but is certainly the case in Western Australia and probably Sydney, so for these I will remain an independent traveller - or at least for the time being.

With up to 5 weeks to play with I am very happy if someone only wants to join me for some of it.  

Early planning on the trip so far; however I expect it will include the below and I am looking to tie it up in the next few weeks.

Cairns; Sydney; Perth, Tasmania; a vineyard or 2! Now decided to add 3 nights in Fiji before coming home!

Get in touch if your interested - I want to progress this quite quickly!


Photo by Jamie Davies on Unsplash



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